Nativity Prep students are 5x more likely to graduate from college than other historically underserved students.
San Diego’s Only
Catholic School
Nativity Prep Academy is a private-independent, all-scholarship Catholic middle school and college-preparatory program for young men and women from under-resourced families who represent the first generation to graduate from college. Eleven years of support empower our students to excel through high school, college, and beyond, becoming role models and leaders in their communities.
Our Impact
Academic Year 2022/2023:
Scholarships Given Annually
Middle School - $1,200,000
High School - $250,000
College - $60,000
Students Served
Middle School - 70
High School - 84
College/University - 116
Students Graduated College or Matriculating
Over the Past Six Years
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a College-prep Education
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“Where Are They Now” Student Success Stories
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