Board of Trustees
Nativity Prep is blessed to have been guided since its founding by dedicated Trustees who serve as the guardians of our mission and our fiscal health. There are 19 independent-voting trustees who currently serve on our Board. They have ultimate accountability for the school’s Ignatian/Catholic character and its academic standards, fundraising activities, and financial operations. In addition to their expertise and generous financial support, a number of Board members serve as mentors and tutors as well.
Board Policies
Our Board of Trustees initiates broad institutional policies as needed in the interest of furthering the school’s mission and decreasing risk to the school community. Our Board’s institutional policies are broad statements of purpose or limitation, developed by the Board and/or its committees and guided by current best practices for non-profit organizations and private, independent schools. To date, our Board of Trustees has implemented the following three institutional policies: Whistleblower Protection, Conflict of Interest, and Donor Privacy.
Our Board of Trustees
Dr. AJ Antun (President)
Paul Bishop (Chair)
Mary Meigs (Vice Chair)
Mike Privett (Treasurer)
Ham Southworth (Secretary)
Dr. Gil Brady
Jamie Carr
Frank Casella
Brian L. Caster
Jennifer Damian (Alumni, '05)
Kenny Jones
Michael Lovette-Colyer
Joe Jordan
Ray Nieto
Michael Peterson
Dr. Heather Herrera
Bill Rohn
Dr. Rebekka Jez
Christie Thoene
Aaron Gonzalez
Financial Reports
By delegation to the school’s President and under the direction of the Board’s Finance Committee, the Board of Trustees has ultimate accountability for assuring the school’s short-term and long-term financial health. The Board approves the fiscal-year budget (June-July) and hires an independent accounting firm (AKT) to perform a yearly comprehensive Financial Review Report and to file the annual IRS Form 990. See our page on Guidestar.