What We Are Working On...
- A state-of-the-art STEM learning environment for students, including Idea Lab, Production Studio, Robotics Room, and Coding Center
- Curriculum focused on career exploration
- Additional classroom space, empowering us to invite more students into the program
- Sustainable revenue streams for the annual operating budget through the rental of the kitchen, labs, and classrooms
- An enhanced kitchen will improve daily nutrition services for students
- An enhanced parent education program
- Supports our local community with shared STEM programming opportunities

Our Case for STEM
STEM workers drive our nation’s innovation and competitiveness with the creation of new ideas, new companies, and new industries.
Children from underserved communities, particularly girls and students of color, are vastly underrepresented in the STEM industry. Providing our students equal opportunities to pursue — and thrive in — STEM careers will help to create social mobility, close the gender pay gap, enhance economic security, and ensure a diverse and talented STEM workforce.
We envision our programs building a pipeline for future employees and entrepreneurs in STEM fields and we invite you to partner with us to make this a success. Designed as an early-intervention program, we are interested in partnering with you to introduce STEM concepts to middle school students so they can take full advantage of continuing their learning in STEM fields throughout high school and college. Let’s cultivate curiosity together!
If you are interested in learning more, please contact our Director of Advancement, Kristin Haygood, at khaygood@nativityprep.org.