Volunteering at Nativity Prep!
Volunteers are at the core of student success at Nativity Prep, whether it’s coaches, mentors, tutors, or just helping out around campus, your time and skills are both needed and appreciated!
To learn more about volunteering, please contact please contact volunteer@nativityprep.org.
The AMIGOS (Adult Mentors Inspiring Growth in Our Students) Mentoring Program provides 6th-8th grade students with positive role models who strive to build trusting relationships while encouraging their mentees to continue their education. AMIGOS Mentors are adult volunteers who commit to supporting and guiding a young person throughout the school year. This program strongly promotes academics and building positive self-esteem.
This hour-a-week commitment with the occasional special event is a meaningful part of our students’ experiences here at Nativity Prep. The students highly value their hour each week with their mentor.
We welcome volunteers from the community to come and work with our students on their academic growth. We have a number of volunteers who come to campus weekly to tutor our students. The focus of tutoring is supporting students’ organizational growth in addition to developing their academic skills. We have a wide range of abilities with our students; some need additional support and others need to be pushed. The tutors are able to support the school in giving each student the individual attention they need to succeed.
Times for tutoring include:
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday during Study Hall, 3:00 - 3:45 pm
Career Speaker
Career Day for our Middle School Students:
Nativity Prep has hosted an annual Career Day for our middle school students for over a decade. The day consists of over ten different stations/speakers, each introducing a new career option to our students.
Lunch & Learn career speaker for our Middle School Students:
Our middle school teachers appreciate when members of our community come to speak with our students about their chosen careers. It helps our students relate some of what they’re learning in the classroom to the real world and gives them one additional option in life. These small group lunch sessions (2-10 students) are catered to our middle school students who have an interest in learning more about a chosen career.
Graduate Support Career Speaker:
Our high school students return to our middle school campus every Thursday night for 2-3 hours of continuing education and counseling. We invite members of our community to be guest career speakers during these times.
At Nativity Prep, we love connecting with our community and we host several events throughout the year to connect with donors and friends. We rely on the generosity of our volunteers to make these events happen. This support includes serving as committee members, event sponsors, and day of support for our two major annual fundraisers, Cheers in the spring and our annual golf tournament in the fall.
Coaches & Club Leaders
We offer a wide variety of extracurricular and co-curricular programs for our students. We have a mix of clubs and sports teams, including our newest sport, our spirit squad! We rely on volunteers to guide our students through these endeavors.
Field Trip Site
One of the best ways our students can both explore careers and enrich their learning is by experiencing different fields in person. Is your organization willing to host Nativity Prep students for a field trip or to tour your facilities? We are especially interested in opportunities to expose our students to STEM and areas where they might traditionally be underrepresented.
Workshop Leader
Do you have a specialized skill you would like to teach our students? We are looking for volunteers to lead workshops including skills classes, new learning opportunities, and enrichments. These can be taught in a series or during a one-time visit.