Dear Nativity Community,
Thanks to you, nearly 83% of the low-income students at our school are on track to be the first in their families to graduate college. Because of your help, we are ending generational poverty in San Diego.
All parents want to give their children a better life, and the parents of Nativity Prep students make huge sacrifices to ensure their children are present to take advantage of the extra opportunities that come from being a part of Nativity Prep. When opportunities are less prevalent, you are backfilling the opportunity gap with your gifts and with mentoring. On behalf of these very grateful families, thank you. You continue to make an incredible difference in the lives of these young people and their families.
Adrian is very typical of our incoming students. “Before starting at Nativity Prep I didn’t know of anyone that graduated from college”, he told us. It took more than 11 years and $65,000 in scholarships to journey with Adrian through college graduation. He’s now in a management-level position at Sherwin Williams. Unlike the graduation crisis we are reading about in the news, Nativity Prep students are arriving in college prepared. “Mrs. [Xochitl] Alvarez set us up to not just get into college, but to excel,” says Adrian.
I am delighted to say that Adrian’s story is one of hundreds. Nativity Prep students are 3x more likely to graduate from college than their demographic peers. Your funding is put into action, graduating underprivileged children at rates that are exceeding children whose parents have financial means and both parents graduated from college. You’re that key differentiator in the life of a student; your gift provides an opportunity for them to become the next miracle story.
As graduation season approaches would you consider supporting one of the over 250 students from middle school through college that Nativity Prep is serving? You can make a direct impact on the life of a young student and his or her family. I don’t know of any organization where the direct impact of a gift is so apparent.
You’re always invited to come and meet the students who are breaking the statistics with your help. Meet them, mentor them, tutor them, encourage them.
Please join me in making a gift to fund the summer programs, graduate support program, and next year’s class of statistic breakers.
Gil Brady
P.S. Here, on our newly refreshed website, you’ll find more stories of our graduates who broke the mold and became the first generation in their families to graduate college. Go to and scroll down to “Student Success Stories”.